Saturday, April 11, 2009


We are back and everyone is doing well. Just trying to get over the
jet lag. We got home late Thursday night. Went to bed and all woke up too
early in the morning. Yesterday we were tired all day, but stayed up until
9:30 PM and all four of us slept through until 7:30 AM. Still dragging a
bit today, but getting stuff done. Laundry, groceries, etc. We are all
doing well, especially Jun Ke who seems to be adjusting great. He is a
good eater and tries everything. He really loves most fruits and veggies,
he esp. LOVES watermelon and bananas. He loves noodles, too. (more so
than rice or congee). We have been working on English words for things
with him. Later today we are going to color Easter eggs. Should be fun!

1 comment:

  1. I am soooooo glad to have found your blog. I just checked and found you were a follower. We are having problems with jetlag. I think it is because we were thrown into 2 girls ready to go ALL the time. Can't wait to see how "our boys" fit into our wonderful familes. So glad for your support and wonderful attitude throughout our long trip.
